Registration to the Winter 2017 session of #ChooseEASE is now closed. To be notified when the program opens up again for enrollment, add yourself to the waitlist here.

Let’s face it: it’s not that we don’t know what to do in terms of exercise and healthy nutrition—even though we hear so much contradicting information that we’re sometimes overwhelmed—but it’s hard to keep doing our thing when every part of it feels like a constant struggle.

I got so sick of white-knuckling it all that I set out to find another way. And not only did my food and fitness struggles disappear, but I even found ease in the process, while being fitter, better nourished, and more at peace than I’ve ever been in my life.

Am I a weird outlier? Nope, I consider myself to be a pretty ordinary woman.
Did I find a super secret magic trick? Are you kidding? Magic tricks don’t exist.
Am I one of these people with lofty lives who have all the time and resources in the world at their disposal? Ha! I wish! I’m a woman with a crazy, busy life, a family and a job, just like you.


After working with me, through this 12-week online coaching program, here’s what you can expect:

? IMPROVED STRENGTH AND ENERGY—You’ll have been working out smartly, consistently and efficiently for 12 weeks, following either of the three #ChooseEASE fitness tracks, without the confusion of having to figure out each workout on your own.
? ENHANCED CONFIDENCE—You’ll develop your ability to make the right decisions for you in terms of fitness, nutrition and relationships, and learn strategies that will work both right now and in the long run, leaving you fully empowered to achieve what you want.
? INCREASED JOY AND EASE—You’ll understand the unique mechanisms that lead you to struggle, how to avoid falling into the sabotage trap again, and how to make sure that joy and ease to show up in your life consistently, so that you can enjoy it every single day!

Are you willing to jump in? I am confident that you will become your best ally, rather than remaining your own adversary. There is much more joy and ease in a life where you strive to be more, instead of wanting to be less!


? 12 weeks of mindset education delivered by email, exploring a new theme each week, in order to work out the factors that prevent you from embracing life as fully as you desire.
? 3 fully-designed 12-week workout programs with video demonstrations (that’s over 9 months’ worth of workouts!) which you can select according to the equipment that’s available to you.
? The insiders-only Love What You Eat 4-part training, so that you have actionable tools to re-establish a healthier, easier and guilt-free relationship with food.
? Daily access to me via text and email for the duration of the program, so that we can build a solid base of support and accountability together.
? Exclusive video lessons every three weeks, to help facilitate your progression through the program.
? Workout adjustments and form checks for the duration of the program.
? Forever access to a private vault where you can revisit all the course materials in the future, at your own leisure.
? Bonus recipes, special assignments and more!

Registration to the Winter 2017 session of #ChooseEASE is now closed. To be notified when the program opens up again for enrollment, add yourself to the waitlist here.

#ChooseEASE is about developing strategies that you will be able to use for the rest of your life—I’m not throwing these words around lightly, I truly mean it.

  • You’re looking for a quick-fix solution, and aren’t willing to put in the effort. I will not fix you. You need to do the work yourself. What I will do, however, is equip you with tools and strategies that will enable you to do this with more ease.
  • You’re hesitant about investing in yourself. I get it—everyone else’s goals and priorities often seem to be ahead of ours, and spending time and money on ourselves can make us feel guilty. But positive change doesn’t happen spontaneously: we have to invest in ourselves to make it happen.
  • You’re not willing to commit to a full 12 weeks of work—both in and out! I want participants who are all in—#ChooseEASE has a dense and rich curriculum which will only benefit you if you are fully ready to embrace the process. The mindset work isn’t going to just happen if you don’t do it. Same thing with the workouts: I want you to be fully committed.
  • You believe inflexible diets and rigid workout programs are the only way to get results. This approach isn’t just for 12 weeks; it’s about creating sustainable habits which need to have built-in flexibility, because that’s what real life requires!

  • Envision your life through a new lens, where fitness and nutrition are elements that add ease into your life, instead of being a constant struggle.
  • Stop chasing the latest fad, and actually find a system that works for you consistently, and will keep working in the long-term;
  • Finally put yourself on your own priority list, so that you can focus your energy on what brings you joy, without any guilt whatsoever;
  • Commit to yourself and do some introspective work, in order to give yourself the opportunity to embrace life fully—body, mind and soul!

Registration to the Winter 2017 session of #ChooseEASE is now closed. To be notified when the program opens up again for enrollment, add yourself to the waitlist here.

The #ChooseEASE curriculum is organized in four modules, each covering three essential themes that build on one another:

energy (1)


Photo: Alex PaillonHi, I’m Fabienne Marier, but as I mentioned above, please call me Fabi!

As a Fitness, Nutrition and Mindset Coach, my mission is to help others bring more strength, energy and ease in their life, by transforming their relationship with food, with exercise and with themselves, so that they can welcome more joy and vibrancy!

I’ve built my entire career around finding the right perspective to tackle complex issues and intricate situations, and creating solutions which make it easier for others to navigate them with more ease.

Through coaching over a hundred women online and in-person, I know that one of the struggles that comes up over and over again is how women feel overwhelmed by all the noise and confusion around diet and exercise, which often leaves them feeling like there’s something wrong with *them*. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way.

This is why I’ve taken all that I’ve learned through years of dedicated work, and organized it in a comprehensive system, to allow you to stop the cycle of struggle and sabotage and adopt solid tools and sustainable strategies to take on life from a standpoint of ease, whichever situation may be thrown your way!

#ChooseEASE is a tremendous opportunity to create sustainable change in your life and, since I need to guarantee a very high quality of access and coaching through the program, I can only accept a very limited number of participants for this sessionFurthermore, after this, I won’t be opening this course up again until the end of the year.

Registration to the Winter 2017 session of #ChooseEASE is now closed. To be notified when the program opens up again for enrollment, add yourself to the waitlist here.

If you feel stuck in a body that doesn’t match the way you want to look, try #ChooseEASE. Fabi really cares—and it shows. The content in this course dives into the obstacles and frustrations that stop us from feeling good in our own skin and pushes you (gently) towards feeling empowered to take control. And this isn’t a program that you buy and have to figure out on your own. Fabi is active, sending her wisdom and coaching your way in real-time. If you want a truly interactive coaching experience #ChooseEASE is for you.

Shannon M., #ChooseEASE Alumna

What I appreciate about Fabi is that she really listens and looks for options what will work for me. I’m definitely not a “natural” at working out, so it was important for me to be able to try things out, report back on what worked or didn’t work, and end up with a workout that I can do without losing motivation or injuring myself.

Our regular check-ins and exchanges go a long way to keep me motivated and allows us to tweak things so my efforts lead to maximum results.

Julie D. Coaching Client

This program is unlike anything else out there because it’s not a diet or fat loss program. It’s a program centered on helping you figure out what nutritional and exercise strategies work for best for YOU; how to implement them over the long term; and quit dieting and feeling uncomfortable in your own skin forever.

You’re also going to learn actual, implementable techniques to help you navigate any challenging situation that life throws at you so that you develop more resiliency and inner strength.

This program is a game-changer! I fully and wholly (pun intended) recommend Fabi as a coach. If you’re looking for a program that will help you welcome more effortless and ease into your life, look no further!

Hilary Glaus, The Health-usiast


I’m a little hesitant to invest in this; why should I pay for a program when there’s so much free information out there?
It’s true, there’s an infinite quantity of information out there, but quantity doesn’t mean quality. Besides, it’s easy to give up when you’re getting everything for free, right? By investing in a coaching program, i.e. investing in yourself and getting the support you need, you’re making a stronger commitment to creating a life filled with more ease and joy.

What if I’m already doing another workout program right now?
That’s perfectly ok. #ChooseEASE covers both fitness and mindset, and so you’re still getting tons from the curriculum. Besides, the workout programs are yours to keep forever (9 months of programming, no less!), and so you can choose to do them whenever you wish.

I work out from home, can I do this?
Of course! One of the workout programs uses only sliders and resistance bands, which are perfect for home workouts and only use minimal space.

I’d rather work out at the gym, is this a program for me?
Absolutely! There’s a workout program with kettlebells and one with dumbbells and barbells—you can really select what works for you in terms of preference and equipment.

Do I have to have any particular skills or a particular fitness level to do this program?
My only prerequisite is that you are committed to do this for yourself. #ChooseEASE is for all levels, both in terms of fitness and of mindset. Beginners and advanced practitioners alike can benefit from this program.

What if I have more questions?
Drop me an email at I’ll be happy to answer all your queries!

Registration to the Winter 2017 session of #ChooseEASE is now closed. To be notified when the program opens up again for enrollment, add yourself to the waitlist here.