Photo: Alex Paillon

Photo: Alex Paillon

In 2012, on the eve of my 34th birthday, I found myself sitting in my car, in tears.

I had a beautiful three-month-old strapped in his car seat, a gorgeous toddler waiting at home with her dad, my wonderful partner, also father to my most perfect stepdaughter.

I had a stable job. A loving family. Yet the tears wouldn’t stop.

Even though it felt like I had been checking all the boxes in life, I felt miserable, underwhelmed, and frankly lost. Was this all there was to life?

Why did I feel like I wanted more? And why did I feel guilty about it?

Faced with this dizzying What now? feeling, I set out to challenge myself out of my comfort zone, and find out what more I could discover about life, and about myself. (I made many wrong turns along the way!)

Timidly at first, and then head-first as things progressed, I started saying YES to as many opportunities as I could, to seek the lessons they could bring me. From changing my rapport to eating and exercise, to delving into personal development work—something I’d always balked at!—to finding new ways to envision every single one of my relationships to leave space for joy, no stone stayed unturned!

And not only did I transform my existence into a happier, healthier life, but I became tremendously inspired to help others do the same.

My name is Fabienne Marier, and I’m… well, I’m many things!

In 2015, after over a decade crafting words for international entertainment giant Cirque du Soleil, I chose to draw from my love of all things fitness and mindset, as well as my professional background in communications, to create Wholly Fabi, in order to share ways to bring more strength, energy and ease in our lives. My philosophy? Achieving Balance & Performance by Working both In & Out!

I’m a Certified Personal Trainer (CPTN-CPT), Body Positive Fitness Alliance Affiliated Professional (BPFAAP), Certified Kettlebell Instructor (Agatsu), Certified Mindset Coach (MPI 2) and Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified Coach. I’m also an avid food explorer and yoga adventurer with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

Read my Girls Gone Strong spotlight here!

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