Wait, where did Summer go? Are we really days away from September?

Remember all the great habits that you’d told yourself you’d pick up over the warmer months? Well, life got in the way!

It’s not that you don’t have any goals for yourself—quite the opposite, actually!

But you’ve realized that you want support and accountability, and above anything else, you need some guidance as to where to start, because—let’s be honest—it easily gets overwhelming, right?

I get it. More than you think.

This is why I decided to create the FREE Body & Soul Overhaul Challenge, so that we can cut through some of that clutter together, and create a fresh and solid base from which to go onward!

In the 7-day challenge, you will learn:

  • How you can exercise almost anywhere, with minimal equipment, and still get a very effective workout that you’ll actually do because it doesn’t require a major time investment—who realistically has time to spend hours at the gym?
  • My very own approach to creating tasty, nutritious and fun meals without having to eat the same thing day in and day out—you’ll never think that healthy eating is boring or complicated again!
  • Some of the exact strategies that have helped me transform my own fitness journey from a constant struggle to a sustainable, enjoyable habitand that can do the same for you!



From August 29 to September 4, I will take you through my very special Body & Soul Overhaul Blueprint, which contains:

§ A 7-day Workout Plan, with bodyweight and resistance band workouts that can easily be performed at home—or at the gym, if you so choose!
§ A 7-day Meal Guide, full of mouth-watering meal ideas and recipes, because healthy and delicious should never be mutually exclusive!
§ A 7-day Mindset Handbook, with daily exercises tackling a different theme everyday, because our journey gets better if we combine working in with working out!

On top of this, you will get:

  • Access to a closed Facebook group for all challenge members so we can cheer each other on, as well as keep each other accountable;
  • Daily prompts for things to post on Facebook and Instagram with the #BodySoulOverhaul hashtag;
  • A chance to win a fun fitness prize package, courtesy of Wholly Fabi!


Are you ready to join the party in this fun and free challenge? What if those 7 days could carry you into September with a totally new outlook on life? Click here to get started!

Photo: Alex Paillon

Photo: Alex Paillon

Hi, my name is Fabienne Marier, but please call me Fabi!

I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and Mindset Coach with a mission to help others bring more strength, energy and ease in their life, by transforming their relationship with food and exercise so that they can welcome more joy and more vibrancy!

Join me in the Body & Soul Overhaul, and let’s make some magic happen!